
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love this quote. A spiritual teacher, disguised as a friend, sent it to me.

You are not just an individual. You are culture incarnate. As an evolving self, you are the manifestation of a collective conditioned way of seeing and responding to life. This is why your conscious evolution matters so much. When you, as an individual, start using your own will to activate higher potentials within yourself, in a small but not insignificant way cultural evolution starts happening through you. A momentum is generated—a vertical momentum toward that which is new. And when the individual feels that momentum, it’s experienced as liberation. Most of us live in what I call a horizontal plane—an emotional and psychological and cultural worldspace that is made up only of what has already happened and what already exists. We rarely, if ever, experience true verticality, which is the rising up and emergence of that which is new. So when vertical momentum is generated, you realize that you are going somewhere at the level of consciousness. And it’s not just you; to some degree, culture itself is moving through you. When you know that’s possible and you experience it directly, it’s like someone has given you the key that unlocks the door to the future.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the reason

So. I recently re-discovered The Son-Rise program. I watched videos filled with success, love and acceptance. I realized that this is the reason I write poetry, the reason I want to be more aware, the reason I adore the people in my life and sometimes the reason I act so passionately on both ends of the spectrum...the reason is Love. I want more. I want to create more. Even at my very best, NOW...I have so much to learn about truly loving everyone. Acceptance. What a gift and a challenge.

Love is the reason. Some days are more fulfilling than others.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

goin' to Sweden

Monday, February 22, 2010

My latest Neuronerd topic - Oxytocin

Hmmmm....said to aid in Autism but look...sold as pitocin. Could there be a link between Pitocin administered during birth and the malfunction of the pituitary and the creation or absorption of this hormone??? Dude...this is the key. Now this will be my next crazy nerd neurological study...diving in. See you when I discover more. Thank you Kyle's treehouse.

One of the many reasons why I am not a Christian

Virginia Christian are stuck in the Old Testament times and have your heads up your asses. So tired of idiotic rationale from right-winged extremists. If this doesn't apply to you then you shouldn't be offended. Sincerely atheist.
Read this if you can stomach it.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

today I learned from the NY Times

That the Dutch gov't due to collapse, will be pulling troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2010. And that the US/Obama has been pressuring NATO for more support there. Please read yourself on this issue. I believe it puts our troops at a huge disadvantage...which I have already heard from the source of, or family members of troops there. local (US) this. We were actually invited to hang w/Ms. Gregoire...GO WA!!! Many of my family members work for the state of WA and the cuts have been deeeeeep. Duval Patrick says we are ok in Mass. but the school cuts here seem to be a concern to residents.

Have an informed week.
Hello all. My sister forwarded the link for a local news series on Autism. Thank you for forwarding Laurie. This is a glimpse of life for families like ours. We were blessed while in WA to have Dr. Bryan King, the doctor interviewed in the "unlocking" segment, as my son's psychiatrist. Seattle Children's and UW medicine have been great resources for us. Dr. King is a well-known autism specialist in the medical field throughout the world and autism is still quite a mystery to even him and many of his colleagues. As you can see...he gives the comparison of the big sea, little boat true. What can be done? In my opinion, so many things.
It starts with understanding, and changes w/action. Our votes...the way we teach inclusion...the way we treat EVERYONE. I hope you'll watch these and consider your part. We need your support. Its lonely and overwhelming at fact...most of the time. The extra care you take to love and accept our family never goes unnoticed...and drives change. Insisting on a new paradigm...we must. Please watch this sequence and consider it a step toward change. We need you.

Take care.